Weary Witness

Project duration: May - Dec 2012
My role: Illustrator and Lead Designer
In collaboration with : Mamoun Matar, Viplov Singh, Siddharth Gautam, Shrikar Marur
“Welcome to Israel! Have a safe trip”, said the border official when I set foot onto Jericho, an ancient Palestinian city, one of the oldest continuously inhabited in the world.
Passing through settlements springing on top of every hill, expanding every day eating up most of Palestine was nothing new to me. What made me wonder though was what was in people’s minds? How do they deal with being refugees without any right to return, the burden of occupation and humiliation at checkpoints every day?
Making their voices heard in an interactive medium would draw people into this piece and engage them in different ways. In this game, a player can formulate multiple perspectives, opt their own path and draw conclusions. These are some of the main objectives. In the end, people may not understand the region or the conflict, however they begin to question.
And like all games, this one has its own sense of humor!
The game is available for download.
Link to the Windows version:  http://adobe.ly/1zpOo7i  


Here are some of my recent works.

FLU - The game

A game about a bird ridden with flu attempting to rescue eggs from an egg factory.

Frozen Dreams

A 3D game with heavy physics elements taking place in the protagonist's altered state of mind.

Desert Breeze

A media art piece focusing on the inevitability of war inspired by some of Prof. Howard Zinn's works.

Little Kiwi

A platform game about an excluded Kiwifruit trying to find his mother in the kitchen.

Green Gold 2

A documentary exploring individuals across the world who are reviving large swathes of degraded land.

Weary Witness

An adventure game with film elements looking at the current situation in Israel-Palestine.

Films on Water

Films that tell stories around open wells, lakes and waste management in the city of Bangalore.

Mad Cow Cheesease

A game where Cheasus is stuck in 4 stomachs of a cow collecting gas bubbles to get farted out.

IGEM - 2009

Our work with geosmin presented at the International Genetically Engineered Machines in MIT.

Interested in collaboration?

Let's meet over a cup of coffee.

Mail me at: wearywitness@gmail.com

Skype: gautam_vishwanath

You can also find me here ...

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